星期五, 12月 30, 2005

聖誕記趣 (下)

反正太太對哈仔的興趣沒我那麼濃, 結果昨天趁太太上班時候, 我自己一個人去看了下午的場. 我迷的是哈仔的書, 看電影只為印證, 好讓影像給我來略讀一次而已. 火盃的三個考驗: 龍, 魚人和迷宮都不算是很新奇的事. 事實上3場比拼都是為了鋪排最後佛地魔出場, 倒是一開始出場的"港口鑰" (portkey)概念最重要, 就憑它作者將比賽和惡魔回歸的空間連結起來, 戲才有得推到高潮.

我反而很想看花兒要處理的那條"中國火球龍", 可惜電影沒有做出來.

Chinese fireball
(sometimes known as Liondragon)
The only oriental dragon has a particularly striking appearance. Scarlet and smooth-scaled, it has a fringe of golden spikes around its snub-snouted face and extremely protuberant eyes. The Fireball gained its name for the mushroom-shaped flame that bursts from its nostrils when it is angered. It weighs between two and four tonnes, the female being larger than the male. Eggs are a vivid crimson speckled with gold and the shells are much prized for use in Chinese wizardry. The Fireball is aggressive but more tolerant of its own species than most dragons, sometimes consenting to share its territory with up to two others. The Fireball will feast on most mammals, though it prefers pigs and humans.

From Fantastic beasts and where to find them (as property of Harry Potter)

平安夜參與了教會的聯歡會, Boxing day參加了太太和她舊同學的玩笑派對, 都出乎意外地有趣. 27/12 與初中團契的少年人行山, 我就是不信邪, (因為每次行山我都是沒有好結果的) 結果又不覺得好玩, 又不覺得風光如畫, 又上山又下坡的. 當風頭痛欲裂, 唯有半途離隊折返, 還頭痛足一整天, 腳瓜到現在還隱隱作痛. 下次我還是乖乖的信邪好了.

明天會上機, 與太太短遊台北, 叫做婚後第一次旅行, 也為我正式踏入30大關慶祝一下, 還好趕在新診所開業前充充電. 平安夜是求婚紀念日, 可惜那天沒有空二人靜靜浪漫, 就留在台北好好補償吧.

2006年了, 時間真是走得快, 回歸, 千禧, 911, 異靈02, 沙士和04好玩還像是不久以前的事, 現在就已經快06了. 這個05年, 結婚, 開業都是人生的大事情, 還開始寫blog了, 盼望來年過得心滿意足.



Blogger dncp said...


6:31 下午  
Blogger Clymene said...


11:55 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

聖誕已過,元旦降至。祝新年快樂- - - - - - - - - - - - -

12:15 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...


11:12 上午  


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