星期二, 11月 01, 2005


醫管局推來推去多份改革部告都虎頭蛇尾, 無疾而終不了了之. 說來說去到是一句無錢無飯開, 個個都想得到服務但是又不給錢怎行? 也就一口咬定解決方法非向市民(尤其是中產) 開刀不可了! 我相信前線大部分醫生都懶理你醫管局破產不破產的, 最重要的是工作環境是否合理和病人能否得到合理適當的治療.

醫管局的錢是否用得其所? 是否必須如現在般用得那麼多?

1. 我自己很討厭伊利沙伯醫院落成數年的寬闊低樓底雲石大堂, 我覺得那是不需要, 奢侈浮誇而且品味惡俗的, 尤其是當你從伊院那堪稱人間煉獄, 帆布床開到滿冷巷的內科病房走出來, 經過到那空空如也不知用來幹甚麼的輝煌雲石大堂的時候. 很難不叫人懷疑醫管局花錢的方針.

2. 8成的營運資金要用來出糧是否過多? 其中當然包括妄想與私人跨國大企業看齊的CEO級薪金, 花紅及不知有甚麼值得獎勵的獎金. 甚麼肥上瘦下, 聽到耳朵結繭.

3. 多年來過份習慣"過份"賣大包! 以下是我還在醫院工作時的實際情況: 病人膝頭退化痛看骨科, 每半年覆診給專科醫生看一次, 給一種止痛藥外加一種胃藥, 一天吃4次. 結果就是病人排半天隊, 付一次專科門診的費用45大元, 就可以得到一次過給半年的份量2種藥, 總數是1440粒. 到現在改善了一點, 門診費升至60大元, 藥不給予超過3個月, 也有數百粒!? 每種藥額外收10元. (我離開年多了, 資料錯請告訴我), 老實說, 還是便宜得很...

4. 專科門診的成本比普通科高, 然而很多看專科的病人其實不需要看專科! 就像上段說到的可以半年才見一次專科醫生的關節退化病人其實根本不需要看專科. 現在我不時亦會遇到在醫院心臟專科覆診而病況受控穩定的高血壓病人, 可是根本沒有指引會讓這些病人流回普通科.

5. 各層管理階級的方針是一味努力為自己部門爭取資源, 而絕不會想到節流. 有老細級的醫生會對低級醫生說, 就是無需要覆診的病人也要叫他起碼一年來看一次專科門診, 因為假如丟失紀錄病人人數少了就會被削資! 又有病房為怕床位被減省, 就叫一些原本可以出院的病人先簽紙放假, 慢慢才再出院, 那麼電腦就會顯示較高的使用率了.

6. 有些區份或是有些專科病人較多, 另外有別的區分或別的專科病人較少. 可是根本沒有資源調配的機制! 這就是所謂的山頭主義! 山頭裡多出的資源不肯分給人, 不夠的卻還要爭得更多! 所以需要的營運資金只會越要越多. 此外還有資源重疊的問題, 這也是完全沒有機制可以重新分配的.

明明有千瘡百孔不去理而一味想向市民開刀當然聽罵, 有節流意識無疑會比較得民心. 還有公私營失衡的現象和預備隨時來臨的大規模疫症等等問題要有長遠計畫和對策. 不過我說搞諮詢都是擺個姿態吧了, 因為執拗錢銀和利益是沒完沒了的. 而且還要記著周一嶽每周一"鑊"的現象呢, 也不知道會不會有一天逼使他在完成改革之前下台去也!?


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Absolutely agree with your comments about HA, especially point 1 ... That's actually what I thought when I was a medical student, during a visit to QEH.

9:46 下午  
Blogger Chika Kwak said...




1:10 上午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...


5:21 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

1 & 2 - 將來肥上瘦下只會變本加厲,唯有再靠內地民營及私人醫院 + 加拿大移民配額等繼續挖走所有富經驗的醫護,直到 HA 知驚為止

3. 你唔比咁多藥,各病人權益組織又嘈到拆天喔

我識睇門診最頻密既街坊,本身係開藥房既 !

4-6. 呢排又有人比較新加坡 vs 香港。新加坡醫療系統的 casemix system,香港適用嗎 ?


" Casemix refers to the range and types of patients a hospital or health service treats.

Each year, thousands of Singaporeans seek medical care in hospitals. The treatment they receive may range from a simple prescription for pain relief to a complicated heart bypass surgery. Each visit or admission forms an episode of care and generates a set of clinical records in the hospital. Depending on the types of specialties that a hospital has and the types of patients that it serves, each hospital will have its own peculiar Casemix.

Casemix classification gathers similar episodes of care (such as acute care, day surgery, etc) into useful and meaningful groups. There are many types of Casemix classifications in use in the world today, but they all share three common essential features:

Clinical meaning: Patients in the same class have similar clinical conditions.
Similar resource use: Patients in the same class generally cost the same amount to treat.
Optimal number of classes: Neither too few nor too many.

Diagnosis Related Groups or DRGs, is perhaps the best known and most widely used form of Casemix classification. DRGs are used to classify inpatients receiving acute hospital care according to their principal diagnosis, which is the main reason for hospitalisation. DRG classification covers all types of treatments from childbirth to brain surgery. After careful evaluation, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has decided to adopt the Australian National Diagnosis Related Groups (AN-DRGs), because it is a comprehensive and mature classification system.

For a start, Casemix will be used as a financing mechanism to determine the amount of subsidies to be given to the public hospitals for acute inpatient care and day surgery.

Currently, public sector hospitals are funded for inpatient services on a per day basis. This system of funding does not adequately take into account the differences in treatment and costs of different medical conditions. Hence, hospital usage and other resources may not be fully optimized.

With Casemix, funding will be on a per DRG basis. It will be proportional to the resources needed to treat the patient. The government will pay all hospitals the same rate for each DRG. This translates to a fairer system of government funding for the public hospitals. Hospitals will have the incentive to ensure that they work as efficiently as possible within the available resources. "

My point 7 - 睇這個 HA 架構圖 http://www.ha.org.hk/hesd/v2/images/AHA/committee.gif 直覺已有兩個問題 :

- 3 個 Regional Health Committees (RHC)完全統籌唔到 38 個醫院管治委員會,或調動各醫院過剩的專科資源,做成 38 個醫院管治委員會各自為政

- 這堆委員會指揮唔到各分區聯網總監,做成各總監鬥多擁資源,而非各自攤出來再互相分配,以利閒置資源被善用

8:01 下午  
Blogger Tsz-Ho, Ip said...

1. Are the HA well prepared for the increase in the aged population?
2. There's a Harvard Report on the reform of medical system several years ago. Are there any progress?

12:54 上午  
Blogger Unknown said...

港燦, 新加坡的情況我就不是很清楚了. 看了那篇review 也看不出所以然來, 只是一直說那制度會怎好怎好.

而且新加坡稅率是否較高? 公私營的平衡如何?

pi314, 你好, HA是不會對任何事well prepared 的. 人口分佈問題只是眾多問題的其中一環. 其中包括越來越多老人, 越來越少兒童和越來越多大陸孕婦和她們的BB. (最後一點不是歧視, 而是因為大陸孕婦產前檢查不甚了, 所以她們的初生嬰兒的先天疾病發病率比香港人的高很多!)

8:26 下午  


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