星期六, 7月 23, 2005


Lewis說得很明白, 說得很清楚很對.
我也積極向理想的方向做. (面紅)
就是(幸好)我的clinic 位於一個相對隔離的地方, 服務的街坊都是住在附近幾座大廈, 很多都來看了十年了. (不是看我, 是看上手退休了的醫生). 所以大家都有良好的感情,會一家大小的來看病. 而且人流不算很多, 給予每個病人的時間就較充裕, 於是就較能做family medicine 式的診所方針. 不過也是因為隔涉, 所以星期日不來看病的話他們真的要走老遠去看醫生. 後生的還可以, 年老的就真的不很方便.

不過平心而論, 這對於個人事業擴展就有局限. 我說過有診所月營業額5/60萬, 在我的診所就萬萬發生不來了. 所以很視乎你想做個賺錢的, 還是個關心人的醫生. (最好當然是又賺錢, 又關心人了. )

公司卡的問題我沒有偏見. 我覺得態度問題取決於個別病人, 反而我不大覺得很多我的病人來是純粹為假紙. 有時甚至是我見他們發著燒, 倒轉說服他們要放假呢. 因為現在很多人都不太敢放假了.

還有lewis 提到的influenza 問題, 很真實. 我告訴他們, "你這樣的病, 作病有4-7天, 發出來也是4-7天, 我的藥不能幫你殺病毒, 只可讓你的病徵緩和一點. 打勝仗靠的都是你的抵抗力, 希望藉著充足的休息會盡快好番囉. 所以由得藥物令你有點眼訓吧. " 不過又是那一句, 你怪得了誰? 他要工作, 怕老細罵; 她要照顧3個小朋友, 還要照顧一位老人家. 心急想快好又不眼訓是無可厚非的.

張的問我對香港醫療體制的發展有何看法. 老實說, 我答不上來. 答出的答案也是拾人牙慧的吧了. 難道規定身家100萬以上的看私家, 以下的看公立! 不過我希望的原則是, 生病已經夠可怕了, 千萬不要有人會因為某種原因(例如要傾家盪產, 或是要排很久很久的期), 而覺得走到絕路.


Blogger Tsz-Ho, Ip said...

Hi Doctor,
My questions are off topic.

1. Why the decorations of most clinics are so dull and stereotyped? Do you have PS2 or XBOX in your clinic?

2. What's your opinion to the overuse of antibiotics?


3:51 下午  
Blogger Chika Kwak said...





12:37 下午  
Blogger Chika Kwak said...

To Taxidriver Doctor,

You are right. The answer can be found all around. The only thing we need is to find out a suitable solution and ignore some stupid comments (middle-class? What's up with middle class? I always doubted the motivation ofthose who claimed their concern of 'middle class').

I'm not an expert in insurance, but with common sense about abusing. Therefore I propose the idea of 'clubs'. People can choose joining different clubs (according to services covers, also $$$), and what they can get is what they pay. So for those with 'lowest entry fee', they can only visit public clinics and 'big rooms' in public hospitals. Others in 'clubs' with more premium can choose going to private practices and so forth.

Sure there are several things to be solved. First is (as some comment has been talked about) the quaility of public clinics. I think they should serve only those who joined the club of' lowest entry', and those who expect better treatment (no wait, expensive/ effective medicines) should subscribe better plans. So the problem of abuse can be reduced (if not minimised, since all public clinics can be networked and trace the history to prevent 'clinic hops', and those who visit private plans are monitored by the insurance company).

And public hospitals should provide more products for people of different plans, or working together with private hospitals.

Well, at the beginning there would be opposing opinions as no one wants to pay for something they don't used yet (as they get used to the 'get the pills and pay' thing), but well, if people can pay that much to the 'luck cons' or speculation or what, why cannot they invest something for health?

My two years in Germany just strengthens this idea.

10:36 下午  


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